Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shop In London Fruit And Herb Company

The fil / The thread

Hui I pres a coffee in two diferents generacions gifts to my. The conversation has sat short but fruitful as single pass. Besides age, we separated a series of life circumstances that make each one can talk and learn from each other, because one is never enough more to learn or too young to not take advantage of the experience of other women .
The elder explained his theory about a particular thread, and the three have decided it's a great theory, it generally, but east of particular cases and events. Also, have reaffirmed a belief that had long been on relations with the other part of humanity, which makes me think that maybe, and pass the time much, there are things that do not change. because ... i would not pruned the fi del món Segons the coneixem ....

Or not ....

Take your mama out - Scissor Sisters

Today I had a coffee with two women of different generations to mine. The conversation was short, but helpful, as often happens. Besides age, we separated a series of life circumstances that make each one can talk and learn from each other, because one is never old enough to learn or too young to not take advantage of the experience of other women.
The oldest has exhibited particular a string theory, and between the three of us decided that it is a great theory, in general, but except for some special cases and specific. They have also reaffirmed a belief that has long had on relations with the Other Party of Humanity, which makes me think that maybe, and however much time passes, some things never change because it would be the end .... the world as we know it ....

Or not ....


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