Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Good Fruity Champagne

La Reina Maga y el Cuarto Rey son mis preferidos

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Aluminum Boats Used For Sale Florida


* Thanks for the coments, I'm a bit absent from the blog, I happened to turn hello! Happy New Year! : D

skies Carrington surrealist

I saw you dance with skinny cats
standing on two legs, like humans, animals and women

bird in a parallel world in this sinister world,
saw you wandering in mazes of acrylic.
doors opened me
and gave way to the worlds and beings that I came to
therefore be able to get the role.

The windows are a luxury. Doors, a problem, "he said Leonel.
Is it not perhaps a necessary link gates with parallel worlds, alien? I thought.
There were birds in the room and entered the fall
, curtains moving in the wind
through the open window. The carpet was
tall grass in the middle of the room and furniture
born and stretched vines, roots, herbs and tentacles

unexplained creatures, without any need to be explained.
And walked among We

gods in white women and had formed a circle of fabric and had
paradises and hells, like mine, burned landscape and goddesses
no names next to an army of ghosts
traced to the wind, like lost kites without strings.
crossed the walls of hell, burn me
and all it was my heart
hole in the darkness of that time, I lived
cubic spaces, structured, populated by ghosts and witches and harpies
and deer, cats and rats,
climbed stairs without knowing where to look
and walked in a spiral of smoke, along with light, with shadows and blood. Vi

rituals multicolored
rose up to heaven painting Leonora unreal unreal but real!
As all these beings, who brought and those who seek you
Medium of art! Scientific art! Maga art!

rowdy horses galloping, black and white and red and yellow
and smaller animals, with their dresses and tunics will celebrate
and fly with no wings and those that do: remain in the soil
and fruit baskets I sing, with torches, some with flowers
and call you from the pictures,

windows drawn on the white walls.

* Pictures: Paintings by Leonora Carrington.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Webcam Effects To Use With Oovoo

Saturnalia Saturnalia IV

Todos tenemos derecho a mandar nuestra carta

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gettyiimages Without Watermark

"... lots of pupae out of the lethargy,

entered my wardrobe, wool gloves devoured ..."


Letters came from you, Chanukah cards, birthday, full of color and black and white. Arrived e-mails but that was common, not receive your letters.
your message arrived from the north country when you were not. Sometimes you were so far away that I got sick, at other times so close to you breathing.
I have kept rabbits, scarves, books, roses, gloves, medals, instrumental music, gods of India with its huge eyes, margaritas falling from the sky and the sun, huge, that sun, the sun ... this is the best, the most appropriate - Like it? - I asked.

We talked about many things, all the time. We talked Dead pets, butterflies, morgues, writers friends, dead poets, film, women's, Kate Moss, Victoria Abril, rock & roll, Patti Smith, spoke of love and kiss a thousand ways.
We talked about dogs, full of holiday lights, how was it to grow in the 90's, memories of the future, crazy, books, poems.

I told you about the flowers that lived in my childhood when I fell ass up of a cactus, while non-stop I rushed a stream of dirty water full of algae and left filthy, my love old, among other falls.
tell me stories before going to sleep, taught me words in ancient languages, gave me books, touch me, you made me yours ...

all the time.

* Written by Charlie, part of "Once in Far" .


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Paregoric Replacement

Uruguay wikipedias Wikimedia Foundation Campaign 2010 Campaign 2010

Wikipedia needs U.S. $ 16 million to continue running

to the foundation that sponsors the online encyclopedia, is not easy to keep free the fifth most popular website in the world.

The nonprofit organization that maintains the popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia, it needs U.S. $ 16 million for the fifth most popular website in the world can continue to operate. According to the paper published online chile Transmedia technology, the foundation needs the money to "Wikipedia and its sister projects to remain freely available for people around the world."

behind Wikipedia Foundation announced a September report from comScore, which ranked the online encyclopedia in the twelfth place of the most visited Web sites in the United States with nearly 80 million unique visitors. Google has 180 million hits Facebook and just under 150 million. But the English Wikipedia content represents only a fifth of the total content. According

Wikimedia Foundation operating costs for 2010-2011 are estimated around U.S. $ 20 million. Last year, the foundation received almost 250,000 individual donations from more than 100 countries which achieved the target of U.S. $ 8 million.

But this year, in addition to cash donations, the foundation asks readers to become editors. The founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, said: "Over the past 10 years, Wikipedia has become a public resource vital for hundreds of millions of people. We have come to need to be available and that is also free, without bias or interference and without publicity. "

(Source: Notes. November 18, 2010.)

Friday, November 19, 2010

ريسيفر Ip Wow

Wikimedia Foundation

Wikipedia New campaign to raise funds
When you view the overlay a warning appears encyclopedia's founder Jimmy Wales .
Referring to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia these days appears superimposed a huge warning letters asking, please read the surfer a request from the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales. This is a new fundraising campaign. The message itself reminds Wales at the end: "Every year around this time, we extend our hand to ask you, and the entire Wikipedia community, helps to maintain our joint initiative with a modest donation of 10, 20, $ 50 or more. If you value Wikipedia as a source of information-and inspiration, "I trust that you will act accordingly. My best wishes."

In the text, briefly reviews the history of Wales Project - "I looked puzzled many ten years ago when I started talking to people about Wikipedia." The founder said that many doubted that a project based on volunteers could become an important compendium of human knowledge. "All for the simple purpose of sharing. No ads. Non-Profits. No intentions or hidden agendas." A decade later, he says, more than 380 million people use Wikipedia every month, almost a third of the population with Internet access. Wikipedia is the fifth most popular site on the Internet, but "the other four have been created and maintained with billions of dollars in investment, many employees on staff and relentless marketing. "

Wales addresses the reader and asks for a donation because" together we can keep it free of costs and advertising. We keep it open, so you can use the information in Wikipedia the way you want. We keep growing, spreading knowledge to all parties, and inviting the participation of all. "

editors Loss money problems, however, do not seem as pressing as the need to maintain a stable number contributing editors or review the contents of the popular encyclopedia. Although the message does not mention this point since last year a English researcher , Felipe Ortega, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, drew attention to the loss of publishers holding capacity.

(source: El Pais - Cyberpaís - November 15, 2010)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Catch Phrase Sound Off

"... Yo I can not be always at your side

I do that in your blood going ...

... loneliness is better than to be a prisoner of truth ... "

Retro (I cut my hair: P)

(Mondays rain)

trees were hands
giant monsters back to life, from the depths of the earth,
flowers, frogs,
and colors of the meadow transmuted powder
No more trips to heaven!
Neither the center of the universe!
must rest my eyes.

hate so much!
get used and put to rest,
leaning over my shoulder.

to die not for love
and not raining
And what shall I do?
poet was born with eyes,
with that tinge of bitterness
with this inclination, with the languor of my eyelids

And what shall I do?! Inevitably this look
full of rain, wet ivy

still raining, so
because, slowly, I am saying goodbye
I'm waking

this is not again, I lived
and, slowly,
I forgot.

And still raining,
because Monday it rains.



Wednesday, October 20, 2010

No. 54 Je Smith's Sons Co. Sausage Stuffer


"... life is a prison with open doors, Veronica wrote

in the gut wall revolt ..."

Charlie in spring ...

A lack of imagination, inspiration and everything, and feeling that nothing works
I leave a piece I wrote when I was very small and is part of a group of poems called "Ugly Notebook" is my small tribute to Dante ... Thanks for hell.

Spring II Charlie ...


Miro darkness, stare

she has more presence than I

all around are scenes of violence

in fiction, in reality


More than once I felt

ache, creak

everything inside me

my body, my vertebrae, my gut

in the mouths of Cerberus

guardian of my soul and Hades

custodian of all my hell on earth.

up and down stairs Dante's hand.




Monday, October 4, 2010

How Does An Ohio Drivers License Look

"... decimelo again, I understood nothing
distract me hopeless your lips that open
and close and open ... "

I like the trees are pink


Vos, you could with all the tornadoes
with those of fire, water, the winds of hate

and poisonous spores (which then appear on a tape oriental).
Vos, you drew my face
in unexplored desert sands
and gave my eyes mystique
you, that you are able to give life to the Dead Sea.
You, you wear in your hair blonde and Sweden

stones and
holiest of all lands.
You, you keep on your lips the taste of my
you that you have in your eyes that nostalgia Buenos Aires, which never goes away, you ...

Vos, inexplicable,
Vos, indescribable.

I like the trees are green

--------------------------------------------- --------------------

** I thank Lydia, The Write and blog deloquenosehabla . for giving me the Award For Your Contribution To The Arts " (click on image to enlarge)

** I want to thank, too, Aguasanta and his blog
for the award "Blog With Chispas (click on image to enlarge )


-------------------------------------------- -----------------


Monday, September 13, 2010

Baixar Pokemon Deluge Advance


post is dedicated to someone very important in my life: $

(image of the great Marion Peck)

"... If you were born again
start again if
to get you back in my ship of time ... "


Your mouth ate my hatred
and kissed me.
and kissed her, too, my tears
clay and mud of my heart.

Your mouth burned my lips and turned my hell

who cried when it was needed
which said its truths,
which nothing is silent.

In her endless verses born

amazing stories

love letters of her birth, and never tires of birth, born
as flowers and fruit trees:
all the love, yours and mine, I live and cast
in every kiss us.

(anime pictures stolen from the web)

--------------------- --------------------------------------------------

wanted to thank Fran and his blog "The blog of ideas fugitive"
for the award "The Blue Rose of the Poets" (click to view image t to m original year)
was more than a thousand years! But it takes a bit to update my blog xD

---------------------------------- -------------------------------------



Monday, August 23, 2010

Women Gropped Bus Train

drawing by me: "Cry" a cartoon series called "Mutilation"

* This is a poem rescued from a series of poems to which I called "The Seasons":


Along with spring she can be seen on the floor dead
with colorful wings,
the same as the wind be responsible for removing.
In the lines of a dead butterfly

I can read the confessions that I save time in heavenly signs within it rose
and played before saying goodbye. Poor you

not colorful garden of my eyes poor

miss you already
without ever seeing you (live) faded butterfly

you fell to the ground as a tear wound

some surreal eye and melancholy
Will you have fallen from my eyes?
Maybe that's why I generate
and so sad I cry, instead of salt:
dead butterflies.

chewing daisies pure hatred ...

"What for others is tenderness for me is ill beneficial"


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sample Thank You Note For Destination Wedding


the wind my hair I

a thousand days without posting anything, thanks to all who follow me like , even a hanging!
long ago do not write poetry to follow my impulses, and I'm experimenting with other forms ... But this so far is a blog of poetry, no?
xD well, luckily I have a file crazy:) are not very old alike but have already
the first time is a rare description speaks of the silence and the windows (I never have liked but they think) and the second is about an angel ornaments:


Three windows

in this room at night

three windows flashing

between the strange lights

the nocturnal world

sometimes revealing so many things,

my idle hours

through three windows

this room, this house

three windows, a triangle.

Room Three windows had

of my childhood,

had two windows in the attic next

where ghosts lived

but had one more, the hidden window

is that nobody looked toward the ceiling

where it entered the starlight

and amazing mysteries

around the cosmos,

through windows

my idle hours , breathing.

visible windows had bars

black painted metal and earth

where birds

who played was the branches of a tree.

Large windows for sun

always necessary

is beautiful regardless of their light

the sleep I wake

clear Sunday.

the wind my hair II

"... two days in life are never bad,
in any way that is life ... "


was an angel.

A golden angel, perfect

without arms, broken, child, perfect.

was on a table and around it,

other angels awaiting my gaze

but he forced me to keep looking.

A golden angel, perfect

lacked a foot,

was broken,

was a boy, perfect.

slept, still

had other angels

that nobody saw

and their voices came

farewell lullabies or


slept quietly,

and a tree behind glass

took advantage of the transparency afforded by

window and showed her, until now, green


that would go out in this fall.

An angel

punished by time,

full time

sleeping still. Child


An angel.

made me think of you.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jeep Liberty Shocks And Struts Replacement


am so pop (?)


creatures dancing on the coldness of the night
are men of athletic bodies, with the heads of unicorns,
are on all sides
hiding among the trees, pale beside them
that are white from the root to the end of each of its branches
of which drops off glass teardrops dancing
stunned with the wind in the sky orange, pink at times
and finally blue to black so

and end of all colors at once. Beyond

there are baskets of lemons and other fruits
and women, goats, grouped in a small herd
with lipstick and tiny
horns and hooves.
flowers are eaten mordiscones
grotesque and kiss each other and make fun of men, absent.
Crossing the forest in the distance saw Lake
and upon reaching it, I sat by his side, seeing mermaids and mermen swim and fish and birds

and the lights of the stars reflected in that mirror

and natural turn
flashing in my eyes and the moon, as bright as cold

making love to everyone in the water.

And all the magic that inhabits
here around me, within my eyes and my hands can not get
after seeing a thousand worlds and then the spell
get my hands away from yours,

my eyes from your eyes.

blue & red

"... and we grew up expecting Jacaranda flowers.
costs As I leave, I find it hard to stay, I can hardly forget
the smell of wet earth, the sea breeze ... "

(Jorge Drexler)


-------------------------------------------------- ----------

* I want to thank Xtar and blog "Yra Reybel Republic" , for this award so cute, obviously do not follow the rules, lol, but I liked the compliment, it's very nice, thanks.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wemen Showing There Boobs

in coffee may find discussions on different topics, such as policies, news, proposals, technical support and a miscellaneous section where truly you can have a coffee. Health.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Risk Multiplayer Online Lord Of The Rings

WM2010 Tip of the Day Tip of the day

Look Wikimania 2010
live chats are
Concert Hall, Green Hall, Jazz Hall, Oak Hall.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bio Sculpture Gel Nails

Think before you act . If you plan to start a new article from scratch, please perform a search first to ensure that you are not duplicating work by writing about a subject which is already an item. Follow the conventions of titles also helps avoid this problem.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Brent Corrigan Samples

conventional methods of communication between Wikipedians can be considered slow.
If you need a quick answer or want to talk to members of the project
current issues in the community, go to our IRC channel
. # Wikimedia-uy

Thursday, June 24, 2010

All Gay Wrestlers In Tna


Photos of "Autumn", although we are in winter

This is one of the first trees I wrote and never published, is that xD I have hidden trees


Do you stop to look
evening reflections in the water, and water
at night?
not you remember anything, I stir

always remember never understand, hieroglyphic
Sometimes they come by my
winter evenings
died on the soles of our feet

beachfront and cold tender
and secrets surround the sand always brings with it
scales, mermaids, shells and hooks
does not smile much
people entering the premises must ask: Will

I remember a place, far,

undisturbed soils had green magnolias fragile.
Its scent often mistreats me, brings me memories
and more than a scent, stab the soul
and it's not your fault tree
strange flowers tall. There
magnolias, with eyes
had distances,
walls were a shelter or a prison and mysterious thud

larks flight landing

in your arms and crying down soles also
color painting in the evenings,

I can assure you and recognize that these soils are recorded
on the map of my feet. We also
kissed my hands with my eyelashes

chunk of my life I sat in
delayed you, you were holding me

chair had all your extension in my legs I had you

and had magnolias.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Monterey Aquarium Wedding Rates


Some pictures I took in black and white


The days are now just days to go and all

The days are awakening too late when everything happened

but the pain lingers. The days are

that asphyxia coming and going.

The days have fangs that are tearing up everything in and out

blood and,
reaches up to my ankles. The days have

sky and I can not recognize its color
if I look in your eyes.

The days are the same thing every day. On

only are.

She is the new face of my blog because I got tired of me xD
