Friday, April 1, 2011

Bus Tickets From Fredericton To Toronto

BOY ♥ ♥ Fall

Well, I return, after many days without blogging:)
I have to repay my debt to fall:

; She is my ♥ Dorothy

Caen Autumn

My cat broke the cables Internet
wrong all wrong

cold starts March is the best month for me at least
and in this part of the world it is cold
undecided, beautiful
kapok tree and falling leaves fall autumn
wherever he goes and falls
love that was
was just us ...

cold I'm looking for remnants of previous
wool gloves and eaten by butterflies faloperas
find boots and bags and
fears and loves meeting people and diamonds
books, photos and years

just need a coat.

turn on the lights, light spirals are
day with wine
we run because if

is over my head
a cloud of lost souls who claim piety

fall autumn with their points
dig into my temporary


I'll go with Rain to the wild sky
where the clouds are colored poodles with bows
and cats are happy and run and run and run

only that which we always knew we were on our bones
had only meat for

more rain today as the day on which



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