Monday, March 14, 2011

Reset Eminent Luggage Lock


There afternoons like.

We do not supply and we are one less.
still wondering about the schedule "Fallas" .

A smiling man approaches my window.

- Good afternoon, miss.
- Hi, how I can help?
- You see ..... I want to send some presents to Chile, and would like to know how much it might cost me ..
- know about the weight of what is going to send?
- will be just over two kilos but I do not know exactly ...
- Well, look, if you weigh over two kilos will have to be an international package, and can send it as an economic package or priority ... I can give you a price range ...

print deadlines .... ... .... shipping box

- What time do you close you?
- At half past eight ...
- But you better come a little earlier, right?
- Yes, (smile), I appreciate that came before ...

Two hours later ...
- I'm here again ... but I forgot the paper at home, in the rush ...
- Do not worry, I give you another if we have a lot ....

- How I get then the shipping?
- The final price will be X and X as economic dispatch if sent as a priority package ...

- But you told me the city where the shipment does not arrive within ten days ...
- No, sorry, I can guarantee you the fastest delivery in Santiago and around, but not in this region ...
- Economic Well send it to me ....

Fill out the form and data on the computer attached to the package documentation and shipping charges ...
And then when we're done, good man pulls a cell phone and takes a picture of the box ... And when the lame to take in and process it tells me

"Please smile .. .

This time I dedicate to Bagnet I know you like .... Congratulations


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