Because every time I say goodbye harder
The new station has led to changes part in my life ..... I know what future awaits im'enfrente ad'ell id'aprensió in a mixture of desire .... Spring accelerated that boosts me to live these days fast walking, as if every step puguera arrivar abans a eixe Futur desconegut, però per altra banda desitge que el Temps transcórrega més lentament i em done treva.
Recorde massa bé com fa temps fugía cap a davant caminant ràpid pel carrer....
Ara, en línea recta o donant voltes, només vaig a l´encontre del pervindre.
Recorde massa bé com fa temps fugía cap a davant caminant ràpid pel carrer....
Ara, en línea recta o donant voltes, només vaig a l´encontre del pervindre.
La nueva estación ha traído cambios a mi Vida....en parte sé qué Futuro me espera, y me enfrento a él con una mezcla de anhelo y de aprensión.... Spring accelerated we live these days drives me fast walking, as if every step could come before this unknown future, but on the other hand hope that time passes more slowly and give me respite.
remember too well for some time fled forward to going fast down the street ....
Now, straight or giving detours, just going to meet the future.
The answer lies within - Dream theater
remember too well for some time fled forward to going fast down the street ....
Now, straight or giving detours, just going to meet the future.
The answer lies within - Dream theater
Look around Where do you belong
Don't be afraid
You're not the only one
Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within
Life is short
So learn from your mistakes
And stand behind
The choices that you make
Face each day
With both eyes open wide
And try to give
Don't keep it all inside
Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within
You've got the future on your side
You're gonna be fine now
I know whatever you decide
You're gonna shine
Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
You're ready to begin
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within.