When you view the overlay a warning appears encyclopedia's founder Jimmy Wales .
In the text, briefly reviews the history of Wales Project - "I looked puzzled many ten years ago when I started talking to people about Wikipedia." The founder said that many doubted that a project based on volunteers could become an important compendium of human knowledge. "All for the simple purpose of sharing. No ads. Non-Profits. No intentions or hidden agendas." A decade later, he says, more than 380 million people use Wikipedia every month, almost a third of the population with Internet access. Wikipedia is the fifth most popular site on the Internet, but "the other four have been created and maintained with billions of dollars in investment, many employees on staff and relentless marketing. "
Wales addresses the reader and asks for a donation because" together we can keep it free of costs and advertising. We keep it open, so you can use the information in Wikipedia the way you want. We keep growing, spreading knowledge to all parties, and inviting the participation of all. "
editors Loss money problems, however, do not seem as pressing as the need to maintain a stable number contributing editors or review the contents of the popular encyclopedia. Although the message does not mention this point since last year a English researcher , Felipe Ortega, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, drew attention to the loss of publishers holding capacity.
(source: El Pais - Cyberpaís - November 15, 2010)
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