Several projects Geronimo Vargas Aignasse
deputy carrying copy-paste from Wikipedia.
deputy carrying copy-paste from Wikipedia.
is not a student who, at best, frowned upon by copying and pasting a monograph internet to pop in a subject. Is nothing more and nothing less than a Member of Argentina, which to base their Bills copy and paste the definitions of Wikipedia . This is Geronimo Vargas Aignasse (FPV Tucumán), which has produced several projects with direct copy of Wikipedia, including (and not a joke) one to modify Article 172 of the Penal Code in order to increase penalties for the crime of plagiarism, as revealed by the program This language is mine, leading journalist José Benegas , FM identity.
Here are some examples:
"The project number 3004-D-2010, to limit travel to South Africa World Cup hooligan. The rationale for this proposal are made by none other than the definition of "hooligan" which gives the online encyclopedia. - The project
- Project 3001-D-2010, to regulate and monitor the phones capable of receiving digital television signals are made by the media law. The grounds are nothing less than the definition that makes the virtual encyclopedia on "cellular Argentina." It is also the same basis as used for the project 3005-D-2010. to bind to present the ID to buy a cell phone. Two birds with one stone.
- Project 3002-D-2010, to highlight the importance of the Dakar Rally passes Tucumán, have the basics of Wikipedia's explanation on competition.
- Project 3007-D-2010 to establish the holiday on May 24, was based on the explanation on Wikipedia ago May Revolution, which is celebrated on May 25.
And so many others, such as copy-paste the deputy made a note tucumano Full Scope Financial Daily, April 28 Finally, to support the project 2667-D-2010, which states "welcomed" by the triumph of the selection of rugby tucumana.Y the list goes on. _____________________________
Audio subsequent interview between Joseph Benegas and
Geronimo Vargas Aignasse, is justified: "No I Petete Gordo Book."
(source:,, Wikipedia, is, image: )
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