Wednesday, May 26, 2010
How To Resolve Bleeding Veneer
for those who did not believe in my previous entry parrot xD
Where are you?
You left your room and I was
white with green flowers and I were ghosts
bumping to the corners of the mazes
in the hemispheres of my brain
in the ventricles and atria of my heart, and I was
your slime on my finger.
'll be sleeping in the garden,
in one, somewhere
just that I can not see you.
Lady strange baby-faced and hair
broom and said he slept
did not believe him but the last time I saw so empty
Did I kill you?
I'll never love that way.
If you are alive, once, maybe
find you a flower,
if you're dead, I die.
rain falls on the sea
I like the rain sometimes even serving us all,
we drown all at once.
is the year, on the bicentennial
is law, order me to be happy and smile
this idiot face
What! Can not you see on the street all happy?
In the July 9, at the town hall, on May 25 in the sun,
not see that today they are all more than ever
Argentina more than a football game
I'm gonna die in this cramping.
Arthur, I miss your quiet talking, maybe you're
a nap in the garden
as the last time I saw you, but I would
I can not see.
just hope you come back,
somehow or another.
Arthur, if you saw my face of "Long live the homeland, living"
ye laugh so much.
among the branches, the light passes:)

Sleeping with noise
no flowers, no flowers
sleep with the noise
no flowers, no flowers.
Wake to the sounds
no flowers, no flowers:
she's so pretty:)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Lost My Confirmation Id
deputy carrying copy-paste from Wikipedia.
- The project
- Project 3001-D-2010, to regulate and monitor the phones capable of receiving digital television signals are made by the media law. The grounds are nothing less than the definition that makes the virtual encyclopedia on "cellular Argentina." It is also the same basis as used for the project 3005-D-2010. to bind to present the ID to buy a cell phone. Two birds with one stone.
- Project 3002-D-2010, to highlight the importance of the Dakar Rally passes Tucumán, have the basics of Wikipedia's explanation on competition.
- Project 3007-D-2010 to establish the holiday on May 24, was based on the explanation on Wikipedia ago May Revolution, which is celebrated on May 25.
And so many others, such as copy-paste the deputy made a note tucumano Full Scope Financial Daily, April 28 Finally, to support the project 2667-D-2010, which states "welcomed" by the triumph of the selection of rugby tucumana.Y the list goes on. _____________________________
Audio subsequent interview between Joseph Benegas and
Geronimo Vargas Aignasse, is justified: "No I Petete Gordo Book."
(source:,, Wikipedia, is, image: )
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sportcraft Arcade Hoops Locks Up
who did not play Super Mario Bros?

"Fiesta on the street ...
An orgasm that never ends
Day of Resurrection.
And it will, and will be a fire, a screenshot
A light beam, stirring a storm
An infinite music ... "
(Fito Paez - DLG)
alone correcting my notes below:
I write with a pencil and I have a parrot
who likes to sit on while I tell you that
to go out and fly
raining sugar and colored circles on my shoulders
bathed in light. Ganesh
illuminating my lyrics
my grace, my walk
my carelessness, my charm, floating over the cobblestones
all gray I
bridges mercury, pewter sky and swallows
Floating in the village floating on the sea as
fall like ash,
mushrooms, pink
sweetness in my mouth
burning my tongue feeling, ecstasy, sugar
burning just like you all to myself
inside, deep inside of me ...
caresses, silk
sugar and colored snow flakes,
in the forest moan
having tea with the white rabbit who gave me Ishmael. Read Psalm
'll wind devil
poison and song will be a sweet
and someday I will learn
to shine. Perhaps
that morning in the Cave
or whatever that was called Pub
saw you and you forgot to blame
and night had not lent us
care children of the water, salt and vodka may
vampires that night glass, silver and sea.
Something called fate made me find you again
and my eyes were no longer salt mist.
I saw and it was night. I saw you, casual, gray animal print
so cool, your lips and night
poetry became lump in my throat, I saw you.
craziest thing of all is that the parrot is sitting
watching my pen to write.
still raining, still raining candy
light colors on my shoulders and my laughter
runs and perches, and he stops and lies
in my walk.
Ganesh on his throne and disorder (mine)!
once met a dolphin that was crazy.
Animal print xD I liked

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Pokemon Heart Gold How To Transfer Pokemon
(Logo: The logo of Facebook and Twitter are registered trademarks.)
I Need Some New Masterbation Ideas
"... as Musa Marijuana, like angels sisters
moderate lead me where I go ... "
" ... You knew pink perfume
and lips
this thing started and I breaks my heart ... "
( "Flores Negras" - Joker)
Things that makes the wind I

I, that everything passes, everything
to give equal
who dare not speak
after all depths, all the angels
we flew to fall
much less, after so much water
that we run. Wind
my hair, I do not care
and your reasons
still me,
the worst of all (options).
Things that makes the wind II
Touch and
wall undulations,
wall touch and ten
long, thin fingers
my touch and the wall
my lips and rough. Coffee after
de beber demasiado,
los vidrios por la mañana
empañados de frío
mis dedos y el dibujo,
el tacto y la pared
mis labios y lo áspero
todo es abstracto.
La pared y lo áspero
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Do Twins Cause More Implantation Bleeding?
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tahoe Change Body Style
Felez Emilio Aced , Assistant Director-General of Registration Files & Consulting of the Data Protection Agency of the Community of Madrid.
Social Networks: The New Frontier
's Privacy Digital Baby .
Thursday, May 13 - 19:30 pm - Annex Faculty of Law University of the Republic - Room No. 14 A (Cologne 1801 esq. Tristán Narvaja - Montevideo) Free admission
'emily Haines' Sheet Music
"... le molestó la luna, con la ventana abierta ..."
Charlie and Sky:)
Heaven is in the river
I can see why, without looking at him
in the river looking.
The fish born
tree the tree wanted to be a river.
cried all the trees (it was autumn).
kids to Pastoe! :)
-tribute to a person they love for more to be a tiling gross and pretentious-
You stepped on the same I stepped
with you the first
built sandcastles
and I would be reincarnated into a tree
so they come to forgive those who
an afternoon incinerate
forgive me or burn me!
* That summer day firefighters hate us.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Designer Men's Wallets Sale
The People and the Community , a unique forum to discuss issues related to people who use / wikis. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Community Wiki: Conflict resolution and community dynamics, reputation and identity;
* Dissemination Wiki: Promotion of wikis and Wikimedia projects in the general public ;
* The north is south, east and west is: How can people of different cultures create an encyclopedia according to common standards? same subject in the eye of different cultures.
* Special: Wikipedia in Central and Eastern Europe: This topic will be a forum to present and discuss the latest developments on Wikis in central and eastern European community.
Knowledge and Collaboration , aims to promote research and find interesting ideas related to knowledge and information management and collaborative and participatory projects. Wiki
* Content: New ways to improve the quality of content, credibility, legal issues and copyright, and especially the use of the contents of education, journalism, research;
* Semantic Wiki: Using semantic web technologies, relational data, semantic annotation and metadata (including automated vs. manual methods). Wikiversity
* and other wikis related to higher education: research on ways of how to implement the source wiki and applied in academia and practice of research, exchange of ideas for improving collaborative institutions research universities and their contribution to the quality of the content.
Infrastructure Track, Wikimania infrastructure will provide a forum for both researchers and practitioners to share new approaches, applications and explore ways of making access increasingly ubiquitous Wiki:
* Development of MediaWiki: issues relating to the development of MediaWiki and extensions;
* Beyond MediaWiki: what other Wiki platforms, such as exists, what tools and features we need for collaboration in different types of knowledge? Wikis
* Mobile: The Web is moving off the desktop and mobile phones, how wikis are used in mobile devices?, Wiki-based Augmented Reality (AR) applications, location-based services
* Interface Design Username: Usability and user experience, accessibility, adaptive interfaces and personalization; new designs UI.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Mini Monster Energy Fridge
only came to announce the new features that Facebook plans to launch in a few moments involve Wikipedia articles. Facebook will begin to integrate the knowledge free from Wikipedia to a new part of the experience of the site to help users more connected and informed about issues and activities that interest them. This service is called Facebook Community Pages (Community pages Facebooks), web portal will be managed and controlled by the Facebook community.
Wikipedia's articles on Facebook increase the scope of free knowledge on the internet. Facebook has millions of users and over 70% of them are from outside the United States. We hope that many Facebook users will also join the large community of participants from Wikipedia if you do not already have. Facebook fulfill the free license ( CC-BY-SA ) and help us find more ways in which people can share knowledge. Also, look for other ways in which both sides can cooperate in the future.
Initially this service will focus on the English Wikipedia, but considering the multilingualism of the Facebook community, it is likely that other languages \u200b\u200bto follow shortly. Because Facebook members made community pages, they may also suggest or add Wikipedia articles (as well as other relevant content from the web). They will also have a feedback system if the item provided is not correct or has problems displaying.
will be a learning situation for both and hope to see how everything progresses. Kul Wadhwa
Takanao Head of Business Development
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
(Source: - Translation Drini)